Pelagius Book
A novel of friendship and betrayal, of power and intrigue – of ideas, and hope.
As the Roman Empire starts to collapse from within, one man seems to understand what is happening. He is Pelagius, a charismatic philosopher from the province of Britain, now living in the imperial capital. In this evocative tale which echoes down to the present day, Pelagius must race against time to establish a new way of thinking before Rome is overrun by the Barbarians.
Very stylish and fluent writing.
David Malouf
Storytelling of simplicity and clarity, with a complex psychological and philosophical undertow.
Peter Goldsworthy
Beautifully written . . . The Pelagius Book is going to be a classic.
Cath Kenneally, Radio Adelaide
This beautifully written tale is a fascinating window into a world that is, in many ways, strangely familiar.
José Borghino, Marie Clair
A new edition will be published in 2024.