Paul is the author of two highly-praised novels – The Pelagius Book and Turner’s Paintbox (both published by Penguin Books). His short stories and other writings have appeared in Meanjin, Sleepers, Quadrant, Going down Swinging, and other journals, as well as anthologies including New Australian Stories. He has been a frequent contributor to the Australian Book Review and writes a regular column in Victorian Writer for PEN International where he serves on the committee of its Melbourne Centre.
Where were you born?
In London, though I have lived in Australia now for over twenty years. I still spend part of each year in Europe, especially Wales where I have family.
You were educated in London?
Yes, and later at the University of Wales where I studied Philosophy and English. I received an MA for a study of Nabokov and later a PhD for my work on the relationship between writer, text, and reader.
Where do you live now?
After working in various places in the UK and Australia, I settled in Melbourne where I now live with my partner, Caroline.
Have you always written?
For as long as I can remember. Since I was very young, I’ve been fascinated by language, by how each word exists in multiple, shimmering dimensions. It has a semantic meaning. It has a sound. It has a shape and a weight on the page. The meaning and ‘feel’ of a word change too depending on the context, on who is reading it, and when. Really, you could spend a whole day thinking profitably about one word. Language is the nearest thing we have to magic. It can transform the way we see the world, especially in a novel of course.
How do you write?
I generally start with a collection of rough notes in longhand focused on a single big idea that’s inspired me. Once I have enough to work with, I add these to Scrivener on my Mac then put together a first draft. That’s when the hard work starts, rewriting repeatedly – building up and cutting back over and over again – until the text begins to sing.
Paul Morgan is represented by Curtis Brown Australia.